搜索 183
NS581 Jehovah, the Great I Am 新歌
NS529 Jeremiah 24:7 新歌
NS294 Jesus Christ, You are the Man-Savior 新歌
NS35 Jesus Lord, I love You 新歌
NS643 Jesus Lord, I'm coming forward unto You 新歌
NS351 Jesus Lord, my best love Thou art 新歌
NS805 Jesus, how we long for Thee 新歌
NS488 Jesus, precious Jesus 新歌
NS813 Just Another Ordinary Day 新歌
NS626 Keep Spreading, Lord 新歌
NS549 Let Him Take the Water of Life 新歌
NS644 Let Us Rejoice 新歌
NS871 Looking Away 新歌
NS688 Lord I am Willing to Let You 新歌
LB84 Lord Jesus, I need You 新歌
NS78 Lord Jesus, You're lovely 新歌
NS492 Lord, I give my heart to You, Surrender myself unto Thee 新歌
NS43 Lord, I love You 新歌
NS229 Lord, I love You. Thank You for opening my eyes 新歌
NS1074 Lord, Make Your Home in My Heart 新歌
NS129 Lord, You are Beloved 新歌
NS194 Lord, You are the living spring 新歌
NS1014 Lord, You made a spirit in us 新歌
NS416 Lord, today, increase Thyself in me 新歌
NS1035 Lovingkindness, Compassion, Faithfulness 新歌